In Minecraft, potions are useful and fun tools that help in combat and also on the farm. So, thinking of those who still don't know how to obtain the various potions in the game, we have brought down a practical guide on how to prepare them. Check out below how to make all the potions in Minecraft!

Get Potions Support

To prepare potions, the first step is to build a Potion Holder. For this, you will need 3 Boulders and 1 Glowing Stick. When you get the items, organize them as follows: When the Potions Holder is ready, you should always insert a Water Claw first and then place the ingredients in the same order as the table below . Learn what items Stone Powder Luminosa and Redstone Dust are never required. The first increases the potency of the effect conferred by the potion, while the second increases its duration.

Ingredients of the most useful potions

They are the most used potions in the game because they increase their attributes and provide new skills.
Cure Potion (Restores his life)

Nether fungus

Glowing Watermelon

Luminous Stone Powder (optional)

Regeneration Potion (Restores life over time)

Nether fungus

Ghast's tear

Luminous Stone Powder or Redstone Powder (optional)

Fire Resistance Potion (Provides immunity against fire and lava)

Nether fungus

Ghast's tear

Redstone powder (optional)

Strength Potion (Increases your damage in melee combat)

Nether fungus

Blaze powder

Luminous Stone Powder or Redstone Powder (optional)

Potion of Swiftness (Increases your speed)

Nether fungus


Luminous Stone Powder or Redstone Powder (optional)

Water Breathing Potion (Allows you to breathe underwater for 3 minutes, or 8 minutes with Redstone Powder)

Nether fungus


Redstone powder (optional)

Night Vision Potion (Allows you to see in the dark)

Nether fungus

Golden Carrot

Redstone powder (optional)

Invisibility Potion (Makes you invisible as long as you take off the armor)

Nether fungus

Golden Carrot

Fermented Spider's Eye

Redstone powder (optional)

Leap Potion (Allows you to jump higher and reduces fall damage)

Nether fungus

Rabbit's foot

Luminous Stone Powder or Redstone Powder (optional)

Throwing potion ingredients

These potions can be hurled to help fight mobs.
Healing Throw Potion (Causes damage to skeletons, zombies, zombie pigmen and withers)

Nether fungus

Glowing Watermelon

Luminous Stone Powder (optional)


Damage Throwing Potion (Deals damage to mobs, but heals skeletons, zombies, zombie pigmen and withers)

Nether fungus

Fermented Spider's Eye

Spider Eye

Luminous Stone Powder (optional)


Weakness Throwing Potion (Useful against cave spiders and can heal zombie villagers)

Fermented Spider's Eye

Redstone powder (optional)


Potion ingredients useful in multiplayer mode

These potions are only useful for being thrown at other players, since you will never want to drink them.
Poison Potion (Causes damage over time, but doesn't kill)

Nether fungus

Spider Eye

Luminous Stone Powder or Redstone Powder (optional)


Slow Potion (Slows down) Potion of Swiftness or Potion of Fire Resistance

Fermented Spider's Eye

Luminous Stone Powder or Redstone Powder (optional)


Potion of Weakness (Decreases damage in melee combat) Strength Potion or Regeneration Potion

Fermented Spider's Eye

Luminous Stone Powder or Redstone Powder (optional)


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