8 tips for creating an ace in FIFA 19 Player Career Mode

Not everyone knows that FIFA Career Mode has two variants. You can manage a club as a Coach or you can start managing a Player's career . Each variant offers its own unique experience. In this article we will cover in detail the Player variant and we will give you all the tips for having a career as an ace!

1. Start in a small team

The first major difference in the Player Career from the Coach Career is that of the choice of your starting team. When you are the great commander of a team, it is interesting to start right at a top club that has good financial conditions. This makes it easier for you to win important titles and have a successful journey as a coach. Now if you start a career trying to be a field player, the focus should be different. Choose to start with a small team. Of course, every ace wants to play alongside figures like Messi and Ronaldo, but that's not how it works in Player Career Mode. If you choose Barcelona, ??for example, you will definitely start at the bank. Or worse: it will be loaned to another club. To feel that thrill of moving up the ladder and going to play for the big ones in Europe, start with a South American team or even any other minor league. This will make your ace more prominent. It will be much easier to compete and gain position as a starter like that.

2. Create your own star

Once you have chosen your team, you need to decide whether you want to use an existing player or whether you want to create your ace. Ideally, create your player. If you choose a smaller club to start your career, you probably don't know most players. Or, if you know it, you will assume a career in progress, and that is not the idea of ??this game mode. So be smart and create your own ace. It doesn't take long, in fact. These are some basic editing options and you're done: you're ready to go to virtual lawns.

3. Train and train hard

If you ever want your ace to win a Golden Ball, you need to train. As talented as a football player is, he needs to practice to improve his skills. In FIFA 19 Career Mode your ace can train up to five times during a week to increase his skills. It is more than enough. There are at least five types of skills that you can improve. It is possible to train Dribbling , Defense , Passing , Finishing, and Standing stills . It goes without saying that focusing on just one type of training will develop your player a lot in a specific style of play. You have to think carefully about how your ace plays to choose the best way to train.

4. Control the whole team and not just the ace

There is the possibility to control only your player. This type of control somewhat limits the experience, as this way you depend on FIFA 19 AI to develop your ace. There are important commands, such as "Request the ball", that must be executed at the perfect times for your game to run smoothly. If you fail to do so, you lose skill points. The ideal is to choose to control the whole team. That way you privilege your player and manage to evolve it according to your intentions. Remember that it is not you who control player substitutions. So every second on the lawn should be used well.

5. Add extra skill points

Anyone who has dedicated themselves to Career Mode in FIFA 18 will be rewarded with some benefits in that mode when they play it in FIFA 19. Everything will depend on how the system calculates your progression in the previous title. You can gain, for example, the ability to play a lost game again or to edit your ace early on. But what really pays is the possibility of earning extra skill points. This is essential for those who are starting their career. Distribute these points according to your tactical position in the team and according to the role that your player plays.

6. Pay attention to your successes

Keeping up with your successes is one of the fastest ways to evolve your ace and make him a coveted player worldwide. There are exactly 522 successes that you can achieve throughout your career. Each of them offers you extra skill points, and this is the most efficient way for you to evolve your ace. The successes are divided between 9 options. These options relate to game situations that you need to fulfill on the pitches at certain times, in order to fulfill the goal of success. One of the simplest to be accomplished early in the career is short passes. Ten successful short passes and you get an accomplished success. Of course, there are some that you probably will not meet, such as goalkeepers, for example, if your player is a lineman. There are also successes that offer new celebrations or even styles of free kick or finishing.

7. Listen to your Manager

Both with the ball rolling and with the game paused it is possible to see what your Manager says about your performance. In the same way it is possible to see basic statistics, such as the number of minutes on the pitch, how many goals and how many assists. It is also possible to see your partial score, according to your performance. Knowing what your Manager has to say about your performance is very important for you to maintain a standard of play that leads you to get a good grade. But don't play with that in mind. The grade is just a consequence of your performance.

8. Manage your career

Sooner or later your player will receive negotiation proposals for other clubs. And there are two types of proposals that can come: loan or purchase. Do not go out accepting or denying proposals without first analyzing what they offer you. There are loans that can boost your career, while there are purchases that can hurt you. So managing your player's future is critical. If you are doing well in your current club and you come up with a proposal for a slightly larger club that will hide you from the market, deny it. The important thing is to be seen and be in a team that favors your football! Learn all about FIFA 19 Coach Career Mode Meet 8 challenging teams to start in Career Mode

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