Mario Kart 7 cheats for 3DS

Turbo at the start of the race : This turbo is a classic in the Mario Kart. To activate it, do not touch any buttons before the countdown begins. Wait just after the number 2 stops turning, and just then press the accelerator (orbutton). Do it right and you'll be shot. Patience it costs to catch the point. Turbo after the rescue of Lakitu: If you fall off the track, Lakitu comes to rescue you. But if you want to recover some of those lost seconds you can activate a Secret Tube. When Lakitu picks you up, wait for him to release you and just when you touch the ground press the accelerator (orbutton) to exit with turbo. Turbo after a ramp jump: Just when you are about to jump off the ramp press the button. You must do it right on the edge of the ramp. If you do it right the character will do a trick in the middle of the air and you will have a brief (but important) acceleration. Unlockables: Daisy: First in the "Mushroom Cup 150cc" Lakitu: First in the «Lighning Cup 150cc» Metal Mario: First in the «Special Cup 150cc» Queen Bee: First in the «Banana Cup 150cc» Rosalina: First in the «Star Cup 150cc» Shy Guy: First in the "Shell Cup 150cc" Wario: First in the «Flower Cup 150cc» Wiggler: First in the «Leaf Cup 150cc» Game Modes: Mirror Mode: Complete all 150cc Cups getting first place in each of them. New title screen: Get the real end of the game. True End: Get the first in all cups and with all kinds of vehicle. Parts of the golden go-karts: Golden Delta Wing: Connect with 100 people using StreetPass or get 10,000 coins. Golden Body: Get a VR higher than 10,000 points or collect 20,000 coins. Golden Steering Wheel: Play the 100 most recent races using first person view and gyro controls 80% of the time. Golden Wheels: Win each cup in 50cc, 100cc, 150cc and Mirror Mode and receive at least 1 ranking star in each cup. Parts of the karts: Part 1: 50 Coins. Part 2: 100 Coins. Part 3: 150 Coins. Part 4 : 200 Coins. Part 5 : 250 Coins. Part 6 : 300 Coins. Part 7 : 400 Coins. Part 8 : 500 Coins. Part 9: 600 Coins. Part 10 700 Coins. Part 11 : 800 Coins. Part 12 : 900 Coins. Part 13: 1000 Coins. Part 14 : 1200 Coins. Part 15: 1400 Coins. Part 16: 1600 Coins. Part 17 : 1800 Coins. Part 18 : 2000 Coins. Part 19 : 2500 Coins. Part 20 : 3000 Coins. Part 21: 3500 Coins. Part 22: 4000 Coins. Part 23: 4500 Coins. Part 24 : 5000 Coins. Stars for your profile name: One star : Win all cups in all modes with a score of one star or more. Two stars : Win all cups in all modes with a score of two stars or more. Three stars : Win all cups in all modes with a score of three stars or more. Content composed with the HTML code editor with live preview. Get a subscription to remove promotional messages or browse our directory for the best free online tools.

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