Learn all the slang and expressions used in Mobile Legends!

Smurf? KDA? Feed? Offtank? These are some slang and expressions you may encounter while playing Mobile Legends. As with other MOBAs, in Mobile Legends, communication can be decisive for the victory or defeat of your team. One or another misunderstood expression can cause disorganization and a lot of RAGE in the team. Check out all the slang and expressions you need to know to play Mobile Legends!

Slang and expressions related to the map


Lane means path, lane or road. These are the three trails on which players advance to reach the enemy base. The lanes are:
  • Top Lane: trail from the top;
  • Mid Lane: middle track;
  • Bottom Lane or Bot Lane: bottom track.
- You two go top and I go mid.
Check out some essential tips to succeed in Mobile Legends!


Jungle is the forest between the lanes where you can kill monsters to get money and buffs.


Minions are the non-controllable creatures that are spawned at your base and advance through the lanes towards the enemy base.


Wave is the set of minions that is generated periodically and advances through the lanes. Example:
- Kill those waves and come back.

Slang and expressions related to fighting


Push means to push or advance. It is when your team advances in a lane, cleaning waves and destroying towers. Example:
- Pusha mid! (Advance on the middle track!)


Gank means ambush or ambush. It is when one or more heroes leave your lane to surprise enemies in other lanes. Example:
- I was ganked!


Split means to divide or divide. It is when a team that is gathered separates to attack several points at the same time. Example:
- Splita medium and bot.

Start or “engage”

Starting or “engaging” means starting a fight. It is when a team coordinates to start the action. The “start” action is usually performed by a tank.


The opposite of engage. That's when you or your team runs away from ongoing fighting.


Dive means diving or diving. It is when a player chases an opponent even when he is under attack from the enemy tower. Example:
- If he runs away I dive!


TF stands for "team fight". It is when the two teams engage in a fight involving all or most of the players. Example:
- Let's go after TF now ...

Ace or Wipe

Ace or Wipe is when an entire team dies. Example:
- Let's take a wipe now ...


Bait means bait. It is when your team sets up any strategy to attract opponents to disadvantageous situations. Example:
- I'll go ahead to bait ...

Last Hit

Last Hit means "last hit". It is when a hero finishes a creature or opponent, thus receiving money, buff, kill, etc.


Farm means raising. That's when you get money and experience by killing creatures or opponents. Example:
- I'm still weak, I'm going to the jungle to farm ...


Feed means to feed. It is when a player dies a lot to the opponent, causing him to become stronger. Example:
- So-and-so is feeding a lot ...


DPS stands for "damage per second". It is the most used damage measure in the game. You can also designate a hero that does a lot of damage. Example:
- How much dps do you have?


Burst means "burst". It is a large amount of damage done in a single hit or in a short period of time.


KDA is the acronym for "kills, deaths and assists". It's your score in the game. Example:
- My KDA was 10/2/7 in that match ...

Slang and expressions related to heroes


Pick means choice. It is your choice of heroes for that particular match. Example:
- Who will pick?

Meta Pick and Meta Ban

Meta Pick and Meta Ban are, respectively, the choice and banishment of a hero based on the current metagame. It usually happens when a hero is too strong and gets picked up or banished quickly.

Frontline and Backline

Frontiine and Backline (or Front Lane and Back Lane for some) are heroes who are front and back in fights, respectively. Frontlines are generally tanks and other resilient heroes, while Backlines are more fragile heroes that normally do more damage.


Counter means fighting. A counter is a hero with characteristics suitable for fighting another. The phrase is also used to designate skills that are used in response to others. Example:
- I'll counter him picking Lancelot.


Build means to build. It's the way you build your character's skills and items. Example:
- My build will be full damage.
Check out our super guide to Mobile Legends items!


OP stands for overpowered . He's the famous stolen hero. The acronym can also be used for items and skills. Example:
- Lancelot is very OP !!
See the best Mobile Legends heroes!

Off Tank

Off Tanks are tough hybrid characters capable of doing good damage.


ADC is the acronym for “ Attack Damage Carrier ”. He is the hero responsible for causing a lot of damage per second and thus charging the team.


MVP is the acronym for “ Most Valuable Player ”. He is the most valuable player for the team, which is defined based on the final statistics of the match. Learn all about the links of Mobile Legends!

Slang and expressions related to skills


Range means range. It is the distance a skill or attack takes effect.


Flash is the English name and also the most popular way to call the Battle skill Flash.

Buff and Debuff

Buff means polishing or polishing. It is when a hero receives some bonus in his attributes, either through skills, upgrade patches or rewards for killing creatures on the map (such as the Blue Buff and the Red Buff). Debuff is the opposite of buff. It is any worsening that a hero receives in his attributes, such as slowness, decreased attack or defense, etc. Example:
- Akai was very buffed in the last patch ...


Stun means stunning or stunning. It is an effect that prevents someone from walking and using skills for a few seconds. Example:
- Stuna him!


Silence means silence. It is an effect that prevents someone from using skills for a few seconds, but still allows movement.


Slow means slow or slow. It is an effect that slows down someone's movement or attack speed.


Knock up is the effect caused by abilities that send targets into the air for a set time. It is a kind of CC (Crowd Control).


CC stands for crowd control . These are skills that limit the number of active players in the fight for a few seconds. It includes stuns, silences and any other effect that takes control of the characters. Example:
- I took CC here ...


Ult stands for ultimate, which is a hero's last and strongest skill. Example:
- Layla out!


Cooldown is the cooldown of a skill.


Counter means fighting. It is any ability used to limit or cancel another one. The term is also used to define heroes who are strong against specific ones.


OP stands for overpowered . It is a very strong skill, possibly unbalanced. The acronym can also be used for items and heroes. Example:
- This ult is very OP ...

Slang and expressions related to players


Smufs are experienced players playing on new accounts, that is, against players far below their level. See how to play Mobile Legends on PC!


Trolls are boring players who hinder on purpose, whether cursing, not helping in fights, feeding on purpose, etc.


KS stands for "kill stealer" or "kill steal". It is the player who did not contribute much to the damage, but gave the final blow that ended the opponent, or just the act of stealing the kill. Example:
- So-and-so is giving a lot of KS ...

Other slang and expressions


GG is the acronym for "good game". It is used for game purposes as a greeting to players. Over time, the acronym has become synonymous with "end of departure". Example:
- Let's go up to be GG ...


Nerf means to weaken. It is when a hero, skill, item or creature receives an update that makes it weaker. Example:
- I hope they nerf the Vale in the next patch ...


AFK is the acronym for " away from keyboard ". It is when a player is absent from the game for any reason.


Izi is the Brazilian way of saying " easy ". The phrase is used to provoke opponents by saying that the game is too easy.

Rage and Rage quit

Rage means anger. It is when a player loses his temper and starts cursing in the game. Rage Quit is when a player becomes so stressed that he leaves the game. Example:
- So-and-so died that he gave rage quit ...
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