Rush Hour is a special Free Fire event for frantic and action-packed matches. This event is only open on the weekend, on the Purgatory map. Here, everyone has to be very attentive, because everything happens much faster than in normal mode. Find out what the big differences are.

New exclusive map

A special map has been created for the Rush Hour event. This map is very small , so everything happens faster. It is a small region divided into four zones: Quarry, Golf Course, Mt. Villa and Airport. Many players fall into the Quarry zone, so if you want to start out calmly to catch loot, we recommend that you choose to fall close to Mt. Villa. To make everything happen faster, the quality loot was well reinforced. In the Rush Hour event, you will find quality loot from the start of the match.

20 players per match

To make everything more "rush", they limited the games to 20 players. This is about half of the normal Free Fire matches. Do not think that 20 players are too few, remember that the map is much smaller and there will usually be more action than in regular matches. The average time of matches is about 8 minutes , which is much shorter than normal Free Fire matches. In this event, don't plan too much, look for your opponents before they take you by surprise! Have you mastered the Death Race? Learn 10 tips to do well!

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