In The Sims 4 , you can choose the career you prefer. Invest in your social skills and knowledge and you can quickly get promoted and successfully advance to the top of your professional career. Get the details of all careers and check out our tips on what to do and what are the advantages of each career.
Compare All Careers
Know what to expect from each career if you reach the top. Since each profession has two branches you can follow, the advantages or disadvantages will be different as well. See which career with the highest earning branch and the hours and days you need to work.Career | Branch | h / day | $ / day | d / week | $ / week |
Gardener | Botany | 8th | 3,360 | 5th | 16,800 |
Business | Investor | 8th | 3,248 | 5th | 16,240 |
Social media | Public relations | 7th | 3,171 | 5th | 15,855 |
Astronaut | Space Smuggler | 9th | 3,717 | 4 | 14,868 |
Secret agent | Villain | 5th | 2,575 | 5th | 12,875 |
Secret agent | Diamond Agent | 15 | 4,260 | 3 | 12,780 |
Criminal | Boss | 7th | 3,115 | 4 | 12,460 |
Business | Management | 8th | 3,000 | 4 | 12,000 |
Astronaut | Space Patrol | 7th | 2,954 | 4 | 11,816 |
Medicine | Hospital Director | 10 | 2,800 | 4 | 11,200 |
Scientific | Extraterrestrial Explorer | 9th | 2,223 | 5th | 11,115 |
Detective | Detective | 8th | 2,120 | 5th | 10,600 |
Gardener | Floral Designer | 6th | 2,100 | 5th | 10,500 |
Athlete | Professional athlete | 6th | 1,998 | 5th | 9,990 |
Cooking | Chef | 6th | 2,460 | 4 | 9,840 |
Entertainment | Musician | 7th | 2,380 | 4 | 9,520 |
Politics | Political | 7th | 2,380 | 4 | 9,520 |
Athlete | Bodybuilder | 6th | 3,000 | 3 | 9,000 |
Criminal | Oracle | 7th | 2,212 | 4 | 8,848 |
Critical | Food Critic | 5th | 2,205 | 4 | 8,820 |
Entertainment | Comedian | 6th | 2,844 | 3 | 8,532 |
Writer | Author | 6th | 2,790 | 3 | 8,370 |
Technology Guru | Electronic Sportsman | 6th | 1,968 | 4 | 7,872 |
Technology Guru | Start-up businessman | 5th | 2,580 | 3 | 7,740 |
Critical | Art critic | 5th | 2,495 | 3 | 7,485 |
Social media | Internet personality | 4 | 2,376 | 3 | 7,128 |
Writer | Journalist | 6th | 1,722 | 4 | 6,888 |
Painter | Patron of the Arts | 5th | 1,640 | 4 | 6,560 |
Politics | Charity Event Organizer | 6th | 2,052 | 3 | 6,156 |
Cooking | Mixologist | 10 | 1,970 | 3 | 5,910 |
Painter | Master of Realism | 5th | 2,460 | 2 | 4,920 |
How to get a profession
When you are comfortable embarking on a professional life, you can use your phone or computer to access Work and choose a career. All professions pay per day, allowing you to gradually increase your prosperity. In the Careers screen, you can check what is needed to get promoted . Also be sure to manage your emotions. So bet on the skills you need and move on to success.Take a professional stance
When your Sim is working, you can click on your portrait to select the type of posture you want him to take during office hours. You can bet on improving relationships with colleagues, improving skills, working at a normal pace or working hard. This last option will increase your Sim's stress level, but it greatly improves work commitment .Usually, it is ideal to work hard always and only use the other options if you need something specific for the next promotion.