Vainglory: see who are the best heroes in each role!

As it should be, in Vainglory some heroes are better than others. For you who want to play to win, we bring you the complete list of characters, organized from the best to the worst in each function of the game. The tier list is based on the win rate and ban rate of each character, that is, the frequency with which a hero wins matches or is banned on the selection screen. Note that some heroes can perform different functions and can therefore appear in more than one list.

Best carries heroes (laners)

The carries or laners are the heroes responsible for the trails (any of the three), fighting opposing heroes and killing minions.
Rank S Joule, Celeste, Gwen, Baron, Skaarf, Magnus and Lorelai
Rank A Reza, Lance and Adagio
Rank B Anka, Ozo, Varya, Grumpjaw, Malene, Kinetic, Grace, Samuel, Silvernail and Ylva
Rank C Baptiste, Ringo, Glaive, Blackfeather and Vox
Rank D Kensei, Kestrel, Rona, Skye, Idris, SAW, Tony and Petal
See the best tips for doing well in Vainglory!

Best Captain Heroes

Captains are the famous roamers. They are those who constantly move around the map, giving support to junglers and ganks. As the most active hero, he is often responsible for giving orders.
Rank S Yates, Churnwalker and Lorelai
Rank A San Feng, Phinn, Ardan, Lance, Adagio, Lyra
Rank B Catherine, Grace, Fortress and Flicker

Best Jungler Heroes

As in other MOBAs, junglers are the heroes who farm in the jungles between the trails and also provide the necessary support in battles.
Rank S Joule and Reim
Rank A San Feng and Reza
Rank B Anka, Ozo, Grumpjaw, Inara, Koshka, Fortress, Taka and Ylva
Rank C Baptiste, Glaive and Blackfeather
Rank D Kensei, Alpha, Rona, Tony, Krul and Petal

Meaning of ranks

Rank S : the best heroes in the game. Considering that the metagame revolves around them, it is extremely likely that they will be picked up or banned as soon as possible. They are also the heroes who are likely to be nerfed in future updates. Rank A : they are usually the safest options for you to specialize, because, in addition to being very good, they are not the first pick or ban options. Because they receive less attention, they are less likely to experience nerfs. Rank B : are the average heroes. They are not the best options in the game but some may be stronger hero counters . Rank C : they are usually chosen out of pure preference of the players (or ignorance that they are bad). They should only be chosen by those who play very well or to execute a specific strategy. Rank D : the worst heroes in the game. Many are really bad heroes (with weak status, skills and utilities) and others are disadvantaged by the metagame .

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