Simcity 5 cheats for PC

Here are a series of tips and tricks of SimCity 5 for PC and that will definitely make the game much easier. As always from Trucoteca we recommend that you try to play without making use of them to get the most out of the playable experience, although you may be very helpful in obtaining certain trophies. Be as it is and as always ... you choose.


Enter the following codes in Sandbox mode to have the desired effect. [Alt] + W Add 100,000 simoleons to your city's budget to spend on what you need. [Alt] + A Activates / Deactivates City Pollution. [Alt] + C Activates / Deactivates Crime. [Alt] + F Activates / Deactivates Fires. [Alt] + M Activates / Deactivates Health Problems. [Alt] + P Active disables soil contamination. [Alt] + H Enable disable homeless SIms. [Alt] + S Activate deactivate wastewater. [Alt] + D Enable disable natural disasters. [Alt] + G Enable disable junk problems.

Advancement video of SimCity 5 Strategies:

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Tips (not tricks) to succeed in Simcity 5:

1.- Plan each map well Do not put roads to put have a cost, or build crazy, before you start you have to be clear which area will be the industry, commercial, housing and how to join it. Hy maps that start best on one side and others in the center, in this case each map is a world 2.- The density is important At the beginning the houses are small and there will be spaces between them and it will give you to put streets, do not do it, they must have a little space to be able to grow and be bigger houses with more services, this is extrapolable to commerce and industry. In the final measures of that screen it will be crucial for your growth how you have left room to grow. 3.- Keep the city clean If you see lots of clean works, do not leave anything uncleaned, if you want to pass a commercial area to residential before you will have to throw the building and remove it with the excavator, if you do not do so it will not be worth it. 4.- Public transport is important It is one of the great failures of many of the players of the SIMCITY saga, the public trasnpoerte, you have to leave space for it, build stops, plan the lines. Remember you have trains, trams, ferry and even the airport, but public transport is very important and the bigger the city. In addition it is not usually too expensive to build but plan before or you will find that you had not left room for public transport. 5.- The Industry the farther the better In simcity 5 as in the previous deliveries, there is industry, it is part of the economic life of the city, if there is no industry there will be no work. But the industry pollutes, so the industry the farther the better, because if not apart from pollution it will lower the value of the nearby land and do not forget about public transport that is a good trick for Simcity 5 6.- Green that I want green With parks, depoetic areas and other land you will lower pollution and your citizens will work happier. 7.- Maintain your public infrastructure It is also important to have police, hospitals, firefighters, schools up to roads and more, but if you do not maintain them, they will lose value and strength with the people. If you have problems with health, expand the hospital, that there is crime put more patrol cars, this is extensible to public transport 8.- Collaborate among other cities Getting along with neighboring cities will always be better than getting along, you can share a resource to make exchanges and transfer funds between cities. So get along with the neighbors. 9 .- The mayors are indebted Without debt there is no growth, you have to ask for loans, bonuses and everything you need, provided you have foresight that you can pay back at Simcity 5. The bonus is a loan that you return every hour of the game. If you ask for loans or bonds to build something that leaves money, industry, commerce or even housing, do not ask to ask, the less you ask for better, but do not be afraid to do so. Many times it is better to ask for a loan if you do not have funds that raise taxes a lot and you leave people, so you will stop entering for taxes, commerce and industry. 10.- Pleasing everyone And this is the most difficult, citizens will want some things, the best salary police, more teachers (it seems the Spanish crisis), you have to try to please everyone or half content, it is impossible for a mayor to fix all the problems in Simcity 5, so sometimes you will have dissatisfied people, which will be done. April Fools Day is coming. Prank your friends opening a never ending fake update screen on their computer. Sit back and watch their reaction.

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