We have put together in this article the complete list of Spore cheats for PC. With them you can manipulate your attributes, earn more money, change the look of the game, enable new functions and much more. To use the cheats, just press Ctrl + Shift + C at any time in the game to open the console. Then, simply type the desired command, press Enter and close the console. Enjoy!

Code It is made
levels -unlock Unlocks all stages of the game in new games. Must be typed in the main menu
addDNA Provides 150 DNA points
unlockSuperWeapons Unlock all super weapons
spaceCreate Unlocks all creation options in Space mode
refillMotives Restores all attributes
moreMoney Provides money in the Civilization and Space node
evoadvantage Starts a new game with an evolved creature
SetTime (Hour, minute) Change the time to the chosen time
freedom Removes complexity limits
killallhints Removes all tips from the game
freeCam Enable Free Camera mode
setConsequenceTrait X Change your creature type. Replace X with: cell carnivore, cell_herbivore, cell_omnivore, creature_aggressive, creature_social, creature_mixed, tribe_aggressive, tribe_social, tribe_mixed, civ_
capturePlanetGIF Generates a 360º GIF of your current planet. The file will be saved in the game folder
Prop Shows all changed properties
universeSimulatorPirateRaidPlunderFrequency X Change how often pirates steal your profit. Replace X with the desired value
universeSimulatorPirateRaidAllyFrequency X Change how often pirates steal your allies. Replace X with the desired value
universeSimulatorPirateRaidFrequency X Change how often pirates appear in general
blocksmode The creatures take the shape of a square
styleFilter -filmNoir Everything is black and white
styleFilter -oilPaint Oil painting effect
styleFilter -microscope Microscopic effect
styleFilter -norainbows Change the color system
styleFilter -nextgen Change the color system
styleFilter -none Restores graphics to normal
help X Explains some of the above commands. Replace the X with the desired cheat
help Shows the complete list of cheats
rename star X Change the name of a star. Replace X with the desired name. The command must be done on a solar system that is not yours or another save game.
rename planet X Change the name of a planet. Replace X with the desired name. The command must be done on a solar system that is not yours or another save game.

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