How to play with Selena in Mobile legends: tips, builds and items

Selena is an Assassin / Mage heroine with a specialty in Spoon and Blast. The character is not the simplest in the game since it has an elven and abyssal shape. Each form has its own set of skills that requires the player to know the right time to switch to use Selena to its fullest potential. Check out the complete guide to playing Selena well in Mobile Legends below!

Get to know Selena's skills

(Passive) Symbiosis

Selena uses the power granted to her by the god Moon and the Abyss to freely switch between her two forms. When using skills in her elven form, Selena places an Abyssal Mark on her enemies (when the abyssal trap hits the enemy, she immediately adds an Abyssal Mark). Up to 2 Abyssal Marks can be added to an enemy. Abilities used in Abyssal form will consume 1 of these marks to deal 240 ~ 450 (+ 40% Total Spell Power) bonus magic damage.

Abyssal Trap (Summon / AoE)

Cooldown: 8.0 / Mana Cost: 60 Selena summons an Abyssal Devil to hide in a designated location. When an enemy approaches the Abyssal Devil smothers the enemy with his body. Within seconds, the enemy's movement speed is reduced by 400% (+ 150% Total Magic Power). Selena can summon up to 3 Abyssal Devils. Damage will drop when a target takes damage from several demons at the same time.

Abyssal Arrow (Explosion / CC)

Cooldown: 12.0 / Mana Cost: 70 Selena channels the Abyss's power into magic arrows, firing them in a specific direction. Enemies hit are stunned for at least 0.5 seconds and receive 250 (+ 20% Total Spell Power) magic damage points. The duration of stun and damage increases the more the arrows fly. Stun affects up to 3 seconds and inflicts a maximum of 500 (+ 40% Total Spell Power) magic damage points. The arrow absorbs the Abyssal Traps while traveling to the target enemy, the effects of the traps will be inflicted to hit the enemy after the hit. If stuns an enemy for 1s or above, Selena receives 4.

Primitive Darkness (Morpho)

Cooldown: 4.5 Selena combines with the Abyss, entering Abyssal Form and gaining 30% movement speed for a short time. She also gains access to new Abyssal Form skills and her basic attacks deal an additional (+ 25% Total Spell Power) magic damage points. Launching this skill immediately resets the Abyssal Trap and Abyssal Arrow cooldown.

Soul Eater (Explosion)

Cooldown: 6.0 / Mana Cost: 60 Selena uses the Abyss' power to strengthen her claws causing the next basic attack to deal an additional 350 (+ 110% Total Spell Power) magic damage points, while granting a shield that absorbs 300 (+ 150% Total Spell Power) damage.

Garotte (AoE / Blink)

Cooldown: 12.0 / Mana Cost: 70 Selena advances in a specific direction, dealing 150 (+ 50% Total Spell Power) magic damage points to enemies along the way. If this damage triggers the Abyssal Mark's effect, your cooldown resets immediately.

Moon God Blessing (Morpho)

Cooldown: 4.5 Selena asks for the power of the Moon God to free her body from the Abyss, increasing her movement speed by 30% for a short time and restoring her to her elven form. Launching this ability immediately resets the Soul Eater and Strangle cooldown.

Best skill build

Evolve Abyssal Trap first and Abyssal Arrow per second, while leveling the ult whenever possible. Regarding battle skills, choose one of the following:
  • Retribution : great for speeding up the farm.
  • Flash : offers a lot of mobility to the character, especially when it comes to chasing enemies.

Tips on how to play with Selena

  • When you need to escape battles, don't forget the speed bonus granted by the last one.
  • Even though she is half Assassin, Selena is still a Maga, so keep playing very safely. Its strength is not durability.
  • All Selena's cooldowns are short, so don't be afraid to use the skills in minions or in the jungle.
  • Stay in Abyssal form to farm, as Selena's basic attack is strongest in this mode.
  • Selena is a difficult character to master and is highly based on combos. These combos, in turn, depend a lot on whether there are Abyssal Marks applied to opponents or not, so you need to pay close attention to all combats.
  • Being based on combos, Selena is very weak against crowd control effects. Watch out for opponents who have options to stop their combos.
  • Focus on items that increase Magic Attack.

Best items for Selena

Arcane Boots $ 740 +15 Magic Penetration. Unique +40 Movement Speed.

Reaper of Calamity $ 1950 +70 Spell Power, +100 Mana, +30 Mana Regeneration and + 10% Cooldown Reduction. Unique Passive: Calamity: After using an ability, the next basic attack will deal extra real damage equal to 120% of the Magic Attack. 1.5 second cooldown. Briefly increases Movement Speed ??by 10%.

Gathered Force $ 2020 +70 Magic Power and +700 Life. Unique: + 25% Magic Life Steal. Unique Passive: Restore: Killing an enemy hero recovers 10% of Life.

Magic Crystal $ 2180 +90 Magic Power. Unique: + 25% Magic Power. Unique Passive: Extinguish: Upon hitting the target with the ability, immediately increases the Magic Attack by 15%. The effect will disappear on the next damage and can last up to 3 seconds. 10-second cooldown.

Shining Wand $ 2120 +75 Spell Power, +400 Life and + 5% Movement Speed. Single Passive: Burn: Ability damage will burn targets for 3 seconds when hit, dealing magic damage based on the enemy's current Life.

Bloody Wings $ 3000 +150 Magic power and + 500 Life. Unique Passive: Nirvana: Whenever you add a Magic Power point, it also adds 1.5 current Health.

Alternative items

Confinement Necklace $ 2110 +70 Spell Power, + 10% Cooldown Reduction and + 10% Magic Life Theft. Single Passive: Take Life: Abilities that damage the target reduce the regeneration effect for 3 seconds.

Magic Feet $ 710 + 10% cooldown reduction. Unique: +40 Movement Speed.
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