Freya is a Soldier type character with specialties in Start and Explosion. Although the character is not very good at the beginning of the match, so she gets her ult it becomes one of the best starter of the game. Freya's main role is to jump in the middle of fights and take enemies out of position. For this, its ult turns it into a great tank capable of leading the team. Check below everything you need to know to use Freya!

Get to know Freya's skills

(Passive) Spiritual Contact

Generates a sacred orb around Freya after 2 basic attacks. When she accumulates three orbs, they start to damage any enemy she touches (they have no effect on minions).

Wings of Faith (Blink / CC)

Cooldown 10. Mana cost: 80 Freya jumps to a selected area dealing 240 (+ 100% Extra Physical Attack) physical damage to enemies in the area, pulling them to the center.

Fast Cut (Buff / Explosion)

Cooldown 6.5. Mana Cost: 55 Freya increases the attack speed of her first three basic attacks within five seconds. The third attack stuns enemies in the area and deals 180 (+ 60% Extra Physical Attack) physical damage to them.

Valkyrie (Buff / Explosion)

Cooldown 34. Mana cost: 120 Freya enters the valkyrie state, inflicting 360 (+ 150% Extra Physical Attack) physical damage to surrounding enemies and slowing them down. Meanwhile, your physical attacks are increased by 20 and Physical and Magic defenses are increased by 15. The ability also grants a shield that absorbs at least 200 (+ 50% Total Physical Attack) damage, based on the number of enemies hit. It lasts 2 seconds. Learn all the slang and expressions of Mobile Legends!

Best skill build

Your priority should be to raise Wings of Faith to the maximum for first and Fast Cut per second, but be sure to place points on Valkyrie whenever possible. During battles, your default combo should be 1-3-2, that is, Wings of Faith (which pulls enemies close), Valkyrie (which does damage to all of them) and Fast Cut. Regarding battle skills, choose one of the following:
  • Run
  • To inspire
  • Flash
  • Baptism
  • Retribution
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Tips on how to play with Freya

  • Always try to start fights using Wings of Faith to get your enemies out of position. The skill is one of the best starters in the game as it prevents enemies from moving or casting skills while being pulled close.
  • Wings of Faith can also be used defensively to evade fights. If necessary, use Fast Cut to stun your opponent and then prepare for the jump.
  • At initiation, use Valkyrie immediately after Wings of Faith to deal area damage to as many enemies as possible and to receive the defense buff as quickly as possible.

Best items for Freya

 Meteor of the Golden Rose

Cost: 2270
  • +60 Physical Attack
  • +30 Magic Defense
  • + 5% Theft of Physical Life
  • Single Liability: Protect. When the hero's HP is below 30% it generates a shield that absorbs 510 ~ 1250 damage. The shield lasts 3 seconds.
Check out our super guide to all Mobile Legends items!

 Haa's claws

Cost: 1810
  • +70 Physical Attack
  • Unique: + 20% Physical Life Theft
  • Single Passive: Frenzy. When life is less than 40%, you may receive 10% additional life theft.

 Blade of Despair

Cost: 3010
  • +170 Physical Attack
  • + 5% Movement Speed
  • Only Liability: Despair. Increases physical damage by 25% when attacking enemy units with HP below 50%. It lasts 2 seconds.

 Scarlet Ghost

Cost: 2020
  • +30 Physical Attack
  • + 20% Attack Speed
  • + 25% Critical Strike
  • Single Passive: Frenzy. Critical strikes increase the hero's Attack Speed ??by 30% and critical rate by 5% for 2 seconds.

 Agile Boot

Cost: 710
  • + 15% Attack Speed
  • Unique: +40 Movement Speed

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