Dota Underlords: better synergy compositions (updated!)

The Dota Underlords metagame is constantly changing, so we've brought you an updated list of the best synergy builds in the game. The so-called comps are the most optimized formations able to fully exploit the potential of each hero, forming combos between skills, synergies and items. As the positioning also influences the compositions a lot, we also brought some suggestions on the best way to use each hero. Check out!

Composition 1: Witches and Trolls

This composition brings together the incredible defensive properties of the new Witches synergy with the offensive power of the Trolls. The goal is to get as much healing as possible from the Wizards while the Trolls attack nonstop from the start.

Heroes that make up the composition

  • Witches : Healer (2), Shadow Terror (3), Nephoros (4), Disruptor (4), Alchemist (4) and Enigma (5)
  • Trolls : Batman (1), Shadow Shaman (1), Healer (2) and Commander Troll (4)
  • 10th Hero : Guardian of the Bow (3) or a seventh Warlock

Alliances involved

  • Wizards : Whenever Wizards cast an ability, they link to the ally with the lowest health for 3 seconds. When one of the linked heroes deals damage, both units are healed for 50% (2), 100% (4) and 150% (6) of the damage done.
  • Trolls : (2) All Trolls gain +35 attack speed; (4) All Trolls gain +65 attack speed and other allies gain +30.
  • If the Bow Guardian is the 10th hero, Shamans : (3) bewitched, silenced or stunned enemies regenerate -200% mana.

Global Items to look for

  • Soul- Siphon Siphon : Units 1 home away from Wizards heal 25% of all damage done by skills and items.
  • Coordinated Attack : Troll units provide +25 attack speed to allies over a distance.

Composition Strategy

  • The purpose of this build is to provide as much healing as possible for all units through the synergy of the Witches and, if possible, the Soul Siphon Siphon. For the synergy of Witches to come into play, they must use their skills. So whenever you can give priority to mana items or recharge as Brooch Martyr , Brooch of the Aggressor , Arcane Boots and Essence octarine and equip them in the Wizards.
  • Obviously, don't wait for Enigma to speed up the Witches synergy. Use the Warlock or Venomancer until it is available.
  • Keep Wizards on the front lines, especially tough ones like Nephoros, Disruptor and Alchemist. Although Enigma is also tough, its ult is too precious and you need to make sure it uses it during the round, so leave it a little behind.
  • By keeping the Wizards in front, you will ensure that they use their skills quickly and initiate the synergy healing bonds. In this composition, it is crucial that no unit dies without having received healing.
  • Try to equip Nécrofos with your best defense items. Although all champions contribute to this composition, the skill of Nephoros is one of the most important since it causes damage and healing. Thus, upon activating synergy, linked heroes will receive double healing: that of ability (100/175/250) and synergy (50% / 100% / 150% of damage done).
  • Shadow Enigma and Terror will be the main cause of AoE damage.
  • Disruptor and Alchemist will be in charge of debuffs (blindness and decreased armor, respectively)
  • The 3 main units that must be protected are, in this order:
    • Commander Troll : has the second highest DPS in the game and has no last (only passive). So, there is no other option but to keep it as protected as possible.
    • Healer : is the wild card of the composition since it is part of the two Alliances. Your crowd control in the area is too precious, so the hero is also a priority for carrying cooldown or mana items.
    • Shaman of Shadows : also participates in two Alliances if the Shaman's is formed. Your CC is also extremely important and forms a very useful combo with that of the Healer.

Training suggestion

  • All Trolls are a house away from the Wizards. This means that all heroes on the board will benefit from the global Soul Siphon Siphon and Coordinated Attack items;
  • Sturdier units with priority to ultar are in the front line;
  • Crowd controls well protected (Healer and Shaman of Shadows);
  • Heroes with area damage far enough to affect various opponents (Enigma, Batman, Shadow Terror, Alchemist and Disruptor);
  • Guardian of the Bow (or seventh Wizard) in position to protect the Trolls from possible Assassins;
  • Main DPS (Commander Troll) as protected as possible.

Composition 2: Hunters and Warriors

Hunters are among the best synergies in the game. When put into practice at the maximum level (6 Hunters), the units' DPS becomes insane. The main role of the Warriors in this build is to protect the Hunters. In addition, the build is marked by its adaptability.

Heroes that make up the composition

  • Hunters : Drow Patrol (1), Wind Patrol (3), Sniper (3), Mirana (4), Medusa (4) and Tide Hunter (5).
  • Warriors : Pudge (2), Kunkka (4) and Condemner (4).
  • 10th hero : any Elusive, Gyrocopter or Slark unit (see explanation below)

Alliances involved

  • Hunters : Hunters have a 20% (3) or 35% (6) chance of causing 2 attacks quickly in a row.
  • Warriors : Warriors gain +10 (3), +15 (6) or +25 (9) armor.
  • Heartless : Enemies receive -5 (2), -10 (4) or -20 (6) of armor.
  • Scaled : allies gain + 30% (2) or 50% (4) magic resistance.
  • Demons : all Demons gain + 50% pure damage. Active only when there is a demon type on the board.
  • If the 10th hero is an Elusive unit, Elusives : all Elusives gain + 20% (3), + 45% (6) or + 75% (9) dodge.
  • If the 10th is the hero gyrocopter, Deadliest : (2) all lethal units concentrate their attacks on the enemy with less life.

Global items to look for

  • Hunter Focus : Hunters deal + 10% damage to each other Hunter who is attacking the same target.
  • Unstoppable : Warriors survive for another 2 seconds after suffering a fatal blow.
  • Elusive Targets : Elusive units are invisible for the first 3 seconds of a battle.

Composition strategy

  • The main purpose of the build is to use the Warriors to protect the Hunters for as long as possible. That's why the Warriors chosen for the build are the best tanks in the class.
  • The biggest disadvantage of this composition is its cost. Almost all units involved cost 3 gold or more. It is important that you do not spend too much trying to upgrade units that will not be part of the build. Save money for when category 4 heroes start to appear.
  • Pudge and Patrolheira Drow are the "pillars" of this composition. In the early game, build the synergy of Warriors and Hunters around them, using any other champions, since, alone, the two form one of the easiest and most useful synergies in the game (Heartless level 1) and are still part of the final build of this composition
  • Many players consider that the 6 Hunters synergy is unnecessary as it only gives 15% more bonuses than the 3 Hunters synergy. However, the 6 Hunters are not only for DPS, but also to give versatility to this composition. Check out:
    • If you exchange Kunkka or Condemner (Pudge is very valuable) for Slardar, you can already get the synergy of 2 Scaled before the Tide Hunter appears. In this situation, your best option for 10th hero is Slark to complete the synergy of 4 Escamados. This composition counts against magician builds very well.
    • If the 10th hero is an Elusive unit, the synergy of 3 Elusives will be formed. Although the dodge bonus is not that high, it already makes a big difference in the result of the rounds. Also, if you get the Elusive Targets global item (one of the best in the game), the more units that benefit from it, the better.
    • If your 10th hero is the Gyrocopter, it will form the synergy of the Mortifers, one of the rarest in the game.

Training suggestion

  • Drow patrol as centralized as possible to buff everyone with their passive;
  • All the strongest ults on the front line: Tide Hunter, Kunkka and Medusa.
  • Although Medusa is fragile, it is crucial that she uses her ability while most of the team is still alive. There is no point in giving CC to everyone and not causing harm.
  • Convict protecting Mirana from possible Assassins.

Composition 3: Knights and Trolls

This composition aims to mix the best of both worlds. Knights have a lot of defense and little attack. Trolls have a lot of attack and little defense. Luckily, both classes have global items capable of buffing close allies with exactly those attributes.

Heroes that make up the composition

  • Knights : Batman (1), Chaos Knight (2), Luna (2), Abaddon (3), Onitemplar (3) and Dragon Knight (4).
  • Trolls : Batman (1), Shaman of Shadows (1), Healer (2) and Commander Troll (4).
  • 10th Hero : Nephoros.

Alliances involved

  • Knights : (2) Knights suffer -15% physical and magical damage and -15% if they are next to another Knight; (4) Knights suffer -20% physical and magical damage and -20% if they are next to another Knight; (6) Knights suffer - 30% physical and magical damage and -25% if they are next to another Knight.
  • Trolls : (2) All Trolls gain +35 attack speed; (4) All Trolls gain +65 attack speed and other allies gain +30.
  • Wizards : Whenever Wizards cast an ability, they link to the ally with the lowest health for 3 seconds. When one of the linked heroes deals damage, both units are healed for 50% (2), 100% (4) and 150% (6) of the damage done.
  • Humans : All humans gain a 20% (2), 44% (4) or 66% (6) chance to silence the target for 4 seconds when attacking.
  • Heartless : Enemies receive -5 (2), -10 (4) or -20 (6) of armor.
  • Demons : all Demons gain + 50% pure damage. Active only when there is a demon type on the board.

Global items to look for

  • Cavalry Age : Other units receive + 10% damage reduction for each Knight 1 house away.
  • Coordinated Attack : Troll units provide +25 attack speed to allies over a distance.

Composition strategy

  • There is no mystery in this composition. The goal is to use the Knights to protect the Trolls.
  • Keep in mind that this is one of the most late game-oriented strategies possible. You will lose many (many) rounds in a row, but no problem. You will need the consecutive defeat bonus to perform the build.
  • Buy all the Trolls and Knights that appear, always.
  • Unlike composition 2, this one is not versatile and you need to focus a lot on the participating heroes.
  • When you have more than 50 gold, invest only in levelups up to level 10! That's right, spend your excess gold (over 50) just to level up and buy Warriors and Trolls that appear.
  • Once you’re at level 10, it’s time to spend all your gold on rerolls to level up your units.
  • Nephoros is the best hero to complete the build as he is responsible for closing the synergy of Witches and Heartless. He is the reason you have to wait for level 10 to start giving rerolls as he is essential to start the team's healing effects.

Training suggestion

  • Front line formed by Knights;
  • Nephorous in the front to accelerate healing bonds;
  • A Knight at each end of the Troll lines to protect them from Assassins. Morcegueiro and Luna were chosen because they attack from a distance.
  • Healer and Shaman of Shadows well protected (they have the best CCs in the composition);
  • All units involved gain proximity buffs for the Knight and Troll synergies, as well as the Age of Cavalry and Coordinated Attack global items. In addition, if you choose to take the Soul Siphon Siphon item , all units will also benefit from this exact formation.

Composition 4 - Wizards and Knights

This composition works in a similar way to composition 3, but bets more on attack than on defense. In addition, it focuses on magic damage and silencing debuffs from human synergy.

Heroes that make up the composition

  • Wizards : Crystalline Maiden (2), Puck (2), Lina (3), Razor (3), Guardian of the Light (4) and Lich (5).
  • Knights : Chaos Knight (2), Abaddon (3), Onitemplar (3) and Dragon Knight (4).

Alliances involved

  • Mages : Enemies lose -40% (3) or -100% (6) magic resistance.
  • Knights : (2) Knights suffer -15% physical and magical damage and -15% if they are next to another Knight; (4) Knights suffer -20% physical and magical damage and -20% if they are next to another Knight; (6) Knights suffer - 30% physical and magical damage and -25% if they are next to another Knight.
  • Humans : All humans gain a 20% (2), 44% (4) or 66% (6) chance to silence the target for 4 seconds when attacking.
  • Dragons : All Dragons unlock an additional Draconian ability.
  • Heartless : Enemies receive -5 (2), -10 (4) or -20 (6) of armor.
  • Demons : all Demons gain + 50% pure damage. Active only when there is a demon type on the board.

Global items to look for

  • Final Resource : Magical Units reset the cooldown and recover all mana when they are below 30% health.
  • Cavalry Age : Other units receive + 10% damage reduction for each Knight 1 house away.
  • Tighten Muscles : Human units count as Heartless when counting alliances.

Composition strategy

  • Protect the Mages using the Knights;
  • Stay alert: the Global Muscle Tightening item will make you invest in the Heartless synergy instead of Humans. Thus, you will lose the silence in favor of your Knights causing more physical damage due to the decrease in opponents' armor. The option is valid, but the main source of damage for this build will still be the Mages, so silence may be a better option to keep them alive;
  • When the synergy of 6 Wizards is ready, Guardian of Light, Razor and Lich will deal damage in an insane area;
  • Dragon synergy will allow you to use Puck's Phase Shift and Dragon Knight Ancestral Dragon Form, two extremely useful skills;
  • Your Knights will do a little more damage with the Heartless synergy.
  • The Final Appeal will provide one last damage spurt when your units are close to death. Imagine Lina, Guardian of Light, Razor, Lich and Puck working at the same time ...

Training suggestion

  • Front line formed by Knights;
  • Puck exposed as he manages to redirect the attackers to the Abaddon or Chaos Knight using the Phase Shift.
  • Protected wizards and in an optimized position to deal area damage. The Guardian of Light's reach is much greater, so he is in the corner.
  • Lich almost on the front line to speed up his last.
  • Abaddon protecting the magicians from possible Assassins.
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