Discover how to easily create a lever in Minecraft

Did you know that the lever is one of the most useful items in the Minecraft universe ? From small projects to large constructions, this is an essential tool for fans of the game. Now know the function of the lever and learn how to build yours.

The lever function in Minecraft

This simple item serves as a necessary switch for redstone mineral energy circuits. This means that the lever is a mechanism used to supply power to redstone powder, repeater and redstone comparator and still activates mechanical components that are in its vicinity. Levers can be used from operating lights in a home to complex energy systems in mines.

How to make a lever?

1. Take the necessary materials: sticks and boulders

If you already have kindling and gravel in your inventory, you can skip this phase. If not, see how easy it is to obtain the items needed to make your lever. The boulders appear in natural occurrences (such as fortresses, Temples of the Jungle or dungeons, for example) or can be obtained by mining stone with the use of a pickaxe. You can also obtain this material through a boulder generator. Wood sticks are easily acquired from wood. Place a wooden cube in the center of the manufacturing grid and you will obtain four wooden boards. Then, place two of the boards and place one in the center and one below, so you will get four sticks.

2. Time to create the lever

With just a stick and a boulder, you can easily create this handy switch. Place a stick in the center of the manufacturing grid and, below it, place the boulder. Once the lever is created, place this new item in your inventory. Now that you know how to make a lever, learn how to build a fence in Minecraft ! Generate and convert HTML tables for websites with! Try this free online tool!

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