Arena of Valor offers the experience of a quality MOBA for free on your mobile. The Chinese game has a number of maps and battle modes that may seem intimidating at first, but which are really easy to learn. Understand everything you need to know about the game's maps and different battle modes.

How is the traditional Arena of Valor map ?

In this first part of the article, we will focus on the most popular map in the game, the one used in 5v5 matches. Like many MOBAs, Arena of Valor has the map divided into 3 “lanes”: Top, Middle (also called Mid) and Bottom (or Bot). Top is the top lane of the map, Mid is the middle lane and Bot is the bottom lane. Lanes are the paths that heroes take to reach the enemy base and destroy its core. Something common in all lanes is the goal of killing minions and attacking enemies, preventing them from attacking your towers or even reaching your base. In the middle of the map is the Jungle (or jungle) that works as an area to gain experience in fighting monsters and farm gold. Junglers (players who are dedicated to fighting in the jungle) are usually agile heroes and can also use this area to gank enemies. There are 20 towers in Arena of Valor , 10 for each team and 3 for each lane. These buildings help protect you from invasions and are divided into three different types, varying your HP, attack level, armor and magic resistance. The closer to the base, the more resistant and powerful the tower is, with the Nucleus being the most important of the towers.

How to play in each lane

Usually, the Top and Bot lanes are played with two heroes in each, while Mid is usually played by just one player. What will be the best path for you? It will depend on your hero and your style of play. Class heroes such as Warrior, Tank, Support or Shooter are usually ideal candidates to play in Top or Bot. But wizards or ranged heroes are a great choice for Mid, while Assassins are perfect heroes for Jungle.

Quick Tips:

  • At the beginning of a game, after killing the minions, spy on the minimap and see if your team doesn't need help elsewhere.
  • Be wary if a lane is without enemies and notify your team. This is usually a sign that the opposing team is gathering in another lane or preparing an ambush.
  • If you are outnumbered, wait for your team members to respawn next to a tower, helping it defend itself.

Jungle monsters

Jungle is the area of ??the map populated by monsters that give experience and gold when they are defeated, with some deaths even granting buffs or improvements to Jungler or his team. But what are the main monsters you can find in this jungle?


These are the monsters that patrol the river alongside the Top and Bot lanes, being the least powerful creatures you will find in the jungle. In fact, this is an animal that only attacks if it is attacked first, which makes them really docile creatures. So what do you get for killing one of these little monsters? With its defeat, the creature gives gold, experience and releases a special light that will be like a spy in the enemy's jungle , revealing the heroes who hide there.


Defeat the red Golem and you will receive a temporary bonus that slows down the enemy's movement speed when you hit it with a normal attack and still gives you extra damage.


When defeated, the blue Golem gives the player a 20% decrease in cooldown and a 2% increase in mana regeneration per second.

Sentinel Spirit

This flying monster is a danger to fight at the beginning of the game, it is better to wait a while before trying your luck. With the death of this sentry, the hero gains gold for the entire team, regenerating 35 HP per second as well as a 30% bonus to his movement speed.

Abyssal Dragon

This is one of the monsters that are essential to help your team achieve victory and should be considered a priority in the game. When defeated, the dragon gives gold and experience to the entire team.

Demon of darkness

There is no creature as strong as that in Arena of Valor . The Dark Demon is indeed a very difficult and powerful monster to face - which is why the reward of his death is so great. Defeat the monster and your entire team receives a 30% damage bonus and a 1% increase in HP and Mana regeneration.

The different battle modes and their maps

Arena of Valor offers varied experiences to its players - ranging from the traditional 5v5 to the innovative Hook War, but what can you expect from these battle modes?

Great Battle: 5v5 on Antaris map

It is in the Great Battle of the Antaris battlefield that the most competitive game mode of Arena of Valor takes place . The classic 5v5 is the one that will require more strategic thinking from your players and where we see the importance of playing as a team . As their name implies, there are two teams of 5 players fighting for the destruction of the enemy base. In this classic mode, it is essential to defeat monsters like the Abyssal Dragon and the Dark Demon to achieve victory. On this map there is the Altar of Life, that is, the possibility for each hero to return to his base to restore lost Life. Each player starts with 300 gold and battles usually last between 12 to 18 minutes, which is the slowest mode, but with the highest gold reward and experience. It is in 5v5 that you should apply everything that we talked about in this article.

Combat Valley: 3v3 on the Battle of the Pampas map

In Vale do Combate, each team can only have 3 heroes, making the process of choosing characters more complicated. Each player starts at level 3 with 800 gold and, in this mode, all heroes gain experience and gold much faster. There is only one lane in this battle mode and only one tower defending its base, but the goal is the same as 5v5: to destroy the enemy base. On this map there is also the Altar of Life. There are two different monsters waiting for you in the jungle: Garnak and Winged Sandals. When defeated, Winged Sandals grants a 30% increase in movement speed for 30 seconds; already Garnak is a two - headed dragon that gives different bonuses each defeat:
  • The first time he is killed, Garnak gives the team a bonus on the damage done to enemy towers. Attention: with this first defeat, the player receives the Dragon's Curse which decreases the damage inflicted on Garnak by 30% in an upcoming fight.
  • The second time, your entire team has a 20% increase in damage while reducing the damage taken by 15%.
  • The third time, your team receives 1% maximum HP regeneration per second.
The 3v3 game mode usually lasts between 5 to 8 minutes, making it a quick and fun alternative to the slower 5v5.

Abyssal Conflict: 5v5 on the Abismo Canyon

This is one of the most fun and insane battle modes in Arena of Valor , despite having only one lane and two towers for each team. In Abyssal Conflict, the Challenger enters a battle mode of two 5v5 teams, but with an important detail: he will not be able to choose his heroes . The choice of characters is made randomly by the game itself at the beginning of the game. But that doesn't mean you don't have the option to change your hero. There is a first attempt to change ( reroll ) which is free, but from there, you have to use gems to gain the chance to change heroes. Each player starts with 800 gold and the objective is the same as in the traditional way: to destroy the enemy base. There is no jungle, so there are no monsters. This means that in order to gain experience and gold, you will have to kill minions and other heroes. On the map of Garganta do Abismo there is no Altar of Life nor the option to return to your base or the possibility to buy items at any time. Only after your hero dies will you be able to acquire the much needed items. Learn how to earn gems and how to use them

1v1 on the Shadow City Arena map

Arena of Valor duels take place on the Shadow City map. In 1v1 mode, two players face off in a single lane, without jungle and with only one tower defending their base. Despite these limitations, the Altar of Life is unlocked on this map. It is a good idea to choose strong heroes in hand-to-hand combat such as Lu Bu, Violet or Taara. There is only one Life recharge in the center of the map and it is essential to master this point if you want to be victorious. This is the fastest game mode in the game and is ideal for more experienced players who want to prove their worth.

Hook War on Treasure Bay Map

This battle mode is so special that it is only available on the weekend. When playing Hook War, forget what you know about MOBAs, because this mode is completely different than usual! Inspired by pirate stories, Guerra dos Ganchos maps two ships and the objective is to achieve control of the treasure between these ships. The treasure is surrounded by a blue rectangular “box” and both teams struggle to achieve 100% of the area's dominance, much like the control style of several other games. When a player enters the treasure space, the percentage advances towards the desired 100% and the first team that achieves this goal wins. But if there are heroes from opposing teams in that area, then nobody gets points or sees the percentage increase. And the name hook? Each player receives a new hook-like ability , which can fire up to a long distance and, if it hits the target, it is pulled close to the shooter. It is with the hooks that players will fight for control of the treasure. There are no towers, no Altar of Life, much less jungle with monsters on that map. You can only buy items at your base and only if you have died. Most importantly, you don't choose your hero. The Abyssal Conflict hero system is the same as in the Hook War, meaning heroes are randomly assigned to players. But as with the other map, here you can also use gems to gain chances to change your character. May the luck be with you!

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