6 indispensable tips for beginners in Rainbow Six Siege

Rainbow Six Siege is an extremely tactical FPS with a very complicated learning curve for beginning players. To help players who want to start this journey, here we have collected the best tips to put them on the right path. Check below 6 essential tips to get started in Rainbow Six Siege!

1. Take your time knowing the maps

The extremely tactical nature of Rainbow Six requires that you know the maps very well, as the game focuses much less on aim and more on movement and strategy. It is essential that you know as many of the maps as possible, since you will need to turn every corner very (VERY) carefully. In addition, you can only build a solid defense (using gadgets and holding angles) if you know the points of interest on the map well. On the offensive side, knowledge of the map saves you a lot of time in “droning”, which is the time you explore the defensive setup with your drone. It is important to remember that in Rainbow Six, doors, walls and even the ceiling are destructible. Therefore, knowing the maps very well ensures that you know which angles will be opened when a hole in the wall or ceiling is opened.

2. Meet the operators and choose according to your style

Rainbow Six Siege has 46 operators (or agents) with its own characteristics, classified in 19 different categories (protection, movement, information, trap, anchor, etc.). Some operators have more stamina while others are faster. The operators are divided between attack and defense, that is, depending on which side you are on, you can only choose between a certain group. In addition to armor and speed status, each operator starts with a specific weapon and some also have unique gadgets. As with maps, knowing the operators is crucial to playing R6 well. The game is decided in the smallest detail so it is important that you find the agents that best fit your style of play and what you intend to do in the match. Do you want to be the player who kills the most? Do you want to be supportive? Want to collect information? Always play according to your character's skills. There is no reason to choose one aimed at gathering information and then bursting madly. Find out which are the best attack or defense operators in R6!

3. Get the most out of the drone

In Rainbow Six there is no minimap as in most other FPS. All information must be passed on by the player himself to the rest of the team. On the attacking side, there is no better way to get information than using the drone. The drone is a small device with wheels that you can control remotely. When you activate it, you have access to your camera and can walk around the map recording everything you see and passing it on to your team. Inform the location of opponents, traps, cleared areas, weapons, etc. There is no doubt that the drone is the main tool for obtaining information from the game. However, be aware of the fact that it is extremely fragile and can be destroyed with 1 or 2 shots. In addition, the device makes a characteristic noise that reveals its location, so try to turn corners carefully. One last caution when using the drone: while you are controlling it, you drop your character's audio and hear only the audio captured by the drone, so you won't be able to hear opponents approaching.

4. Sight height

The shooting changes in Rainbow Six are always very fast and decided at the narrowest angles, since the characters are shot down with few bullets. Matches usually consist of defensive players aiming at a single pixel for several seconds while waiting for an attacker to appear. Precisely for this reason, it is crucial that you keep aiming at headshots because a single shot to the head is capable of killing. Pay attention to the height of the characters. They are all exactly the same size so it won't be hard for you to get used to it. Also, memorize the height of the head when the characters are squatting. Varying the height of the peeks is very common in Rainbow Six.

5. Get used to pre-fire

Rainbow Six fights usually take place in very closed spaces with more than one floor. Therefore, being attentive to sounds is always a great tool for finding out the location of your opponents. Thus, players often already know (or imagine) the location of their opponents and already arrive shooting. This action is called “pre-fire”. Getting used to pre-fire is crucial in R6 because, as stated, the characters die with few shots and their location is often known. Depending on the information passed by your team or even collected with the drone, you can turn corners by firing with the certainty that an opponent will be there to receive the shots.

6. Keep moving

In order not to be the target of pre-fire, always keep moving. This applies to all aspects of the game. If your location has been exposed by a drone, switch places. If an opponent saw you (even if you killed him), switch places. If you peeked (gave your face) and switched shots at a certain angle, do not immediately use the same angle, switch it by moving away / approaching the wall or simply crouching.

7. Communication

As stated earlier, communication in Rainbow Six is ??even more important than in other shooting games. This is because there is no minimap here, so all information must be passed on by the players to the team. Therefore, communicate absolutely everything that is relevant, as information can make your partner turn to the right side instead of being shot in the back. To help with communication, stay tuned to the bottom of the screen where the area names appear. Use these terms to tell precisely where your opponents are or what parts of the map are safe.

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