11 tips for getting well in GTA Online

GTA Online can be a very hostile game for those just starting out. Everyone is looking for easy money and has no problem eliminating it at the first opportunity. In an open world, where crime is king, you can expect a lot of competition. Check out these tips to confidently launch yourself into the world of crime!

1. Get your free car and shotgun

When you register with Rockstar Social Club, you will get a free shotgun that can be removed at an Ammunition store. In addition, when connecting with your PlayStation Network or Xbox Live account, you get a free Elegy RH8 car . To receive it, simply access the Legendary Motorstorm website. This vehicle comes in several different colors and with insurance included.

2. Buy a garage

An important investment. As soon as you make enough money, buy a garage. In addition to being able to store your cars, you can also protect yourself, as no one can access your garage unless you give permission. Later, when you get more money, it is worth investing in other types of properties.

3. Insure your vehicle

It is essential that you take out insurance for your car as soon as you get one that is worth keeping. So, if it gets lost, stolen or destroyed, you can replace it immediately with just one call to the insurance company. But for the new car to remain safe, you have to pay a percentage of 10% of the original amount.

4. Try Passive mode

You can try Passive Mode if you are tired of being shot constantly. With this option active, opponents will not be able to shoot you , but you will also not be able to fire at them. Each time you activate this mode, you have to pay $ 100 to be safe for 15 minutes. Although this saves you from most situations, it does not make you totally invulnerable. You can get hit or hit by explosions , so always be careful while playing in this mode.

5. Play solo to level up safely

Although GTA Online is a multiplayer game, you can try playing it yourself. Start a Solo session in the game's menu to explore the world, do missions and participate in races without the other players bothering you. You will not be able to earn money in this mode, but you will earn RP and practice your gameplay before launching yourself into the world.

6. Easy money? Sell ??cars

To start accumulating your fortune, the best thing to do is to sell stolen cars . Take a vehicle in good condition and go to the nearest garage to sell it. The better the state of the car, the more money you will receive. However, cars of a certain value are not accepted. So, you should look for the Felon GT, Gallivanteer Baller, Lampadati Felon, Ocelot F620 and Ubermacht Oracle models . Check out this guide to learn how to become a millionaire in GTA Online!

7. Don't forget your mask if you are going to rob convenience stores

It is important to wear a mask when robbing convenience stores so that the employee does not recognize you. This is essential to continue robbing the same stores without increasing the difficulty . To buy a mask, go to Vespucci beach . There you will find a seller of such products.

8. Keep your money in the bank

It is important that you keep your money in the bank so as not to lose it if it is stolen . If you are carrying more than $ 5,000 in cash and are mugged and killed, in addition to losing the generic $ 100, you will also lose any money you have with you over $ 5,000. Use your cell phone to deposit your money at any time .

9. The minimap is your friend

The game's minimap can help you in many ways. The most important is to show where the other players are in your vicinity. Opponents will appear as white dots on the map and you can check when they are approaching . If you see this happening, be prepared, as you can be ambushed at any time.

10. Never forget who killed you

You can, through the Info option in the game menu , access your most recent activity. There will appear the names of the players who recently killed him. So if you're looking for revenge, you can always find your killers through that option. As there are 16 points moving around the clock on the minimap, you can use the interaction menu to highlight a specific point that corresponds to the player you want to follow.

11. Make friends

The best way to enjoy GTA Online is to play with others in a group . If the players with you don't play well, you can always leave the group and venture out alone. But if they are good, then you can continue playing to earn 20% more PR than completing activities on your own. However, you must be careful not to be aggressive and kill your teammates or you will be left with a bounty in your name.

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