Check out all the Saints Row 4 cheats and codes

As with most games, Saints Row 4 also has some cheats for you to enjoy. Several codes give useful (even unfair) advantages for you not to worry about anything else, while others are just for the joke. Please note: The cheats below fit all platforms (PC, PS4, PS3, Xbox 360 and Xbox One). To activate them, just pause the game, select " Extras " and " Cheats ". Then simply add the codes below. If the cheat is correct, you will hear a confirmation sound. Also be aware that achievements cannot be completed when the cheats are on, and the Auto Save function does not work.

Code It is made
cheese Provides $ 100,000
letsrock Provides a weapon set
vroom Vehicles do not receive damage
repaircar Restore current car
goodygoody Clean up the notoriety
runfast Infinite race
nowardens Wardens no longer appear
instantwarden Instant Wardens Notoriety
superblast Enable Blast
superbuff Enable Buff
superdfa Enable Death from Above
superstomp Enable Stomp
supertk Enables Telekinesis
nosupermove Disables Super Movement
nosuperpowers Disables Super Powers
ascii Turn on ascii mode
bigheadmode Turn on Big Head mode
imhuge Giant character
ittybitty Small character
noglitchcity Disables Glitch FX
evilcars Enables Evil Cars mode
fryhole Bodies flying through the air
fastforward Speeds up time
insanecity Enables Insane City Mode
mascot Pedestrians Become Mascots
hohoho Pedestrians turn pimps and prostitutes
isquishyou Vehicles are easily destructible.
goldengun Kill with 1 hit. Must be unlocked in the game.
notrated Every dead one explodes. Must be unlocked in the game.
slowmo Slow camera mode. Must be unlocked in the game.
dlc_sosuper Enables Super Upgrades. DLC Executive Privilege Pack Exclusive.
dlc_unlimited_ammo Infinite ammo. DLC Executive Privilege Pack Exclusive.
dlc_unlimited_clip Infinite bullet comb. DLC Executive Privilege Pack Exclusive.
dlc_never_die Immortal. DLC Executive Privilege Pack Exclusive.
dlc_superduper Increases strength by 100%. DLC Executive Privilege Pack Exclusive.
unlockitall Unlocks everything.

Vehicle Cheats

Code Vehicle
giveufo Alien UFO
givetrouble Alien Jet Bike
givehovertank Alien Hover Tank
givehovercar Alien Hover Car
givedestroyer AB Destroyer
givetornadoassault Tornado Assault Version
givetornadomorningstar Tornado Morning Star version
givetornadong Tornado NG version
givetornadpolice Tornado Police version
givetornadosaints Tornado Saints version
givecrusader Crusader
givecrusadersaints Crusader Saints version
givecrusadercyrus Crusader Cyrus Version
giveeagleswat Eagle SWAT version
giveeaglem16 Eagle M16 version
giveeagle Eagle
givevulture Vulture
givevulturemorningstar Vulture Morning Star version
givevulturesaints Vulture Saints version
givevulturespotlight Vulture Spotlight Version
givevtol VTOL
givevtolcyrus VTOL Cyrus version
givevtolsaints VTOL Saints version
giveturretwh White House USA Turret
givewoodpecker Woodpecker
givewoodpeckerluchadore Woopecker Luchadore version
giveoppressor Oppressor
giveoppressorangel Angel version suppressor
giveoppressorpolice Police version oppressor
giverecursorgreen Green recursor
giverecursorpurple Purple recursor
giverecursorred Red recursor
givegunslinger Gunslinger
givegunslingerpolice Gunslinger Police version
givesnipes Snipes 57
givekillbanejet Snipes 57 Killbane version
giveattrazione Attrazione
givecribship Crib ship
givekey Key
givelightning Lightning
givemonster Monster truck
givepony Pony cart
giverelic Relic
givestiletto Stiletto
givethompson Thompson
giveturret Turret
giveturreths Turret HS
giveverminator Verminator

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