Codes: Pause the game, select the “ Extras ”optionand then the “ Enter Code ”option, where you can enter any of the ones shown below. General Codes: Invincibility: J46P7A Elongated characters: 2D5GNM Elongated characters: QD2C31 Magnet Stud: 6MZ5CH Multiplier Stud x10: N1CKR1 Score x2: YZPHUV Score x4: 43T5E5 Score x6: SEBHGR Score x8: BYFSAQ Score x10: N1CKR1 Minikit Detector: CSD5NA Perfect Deflect: 3F5L56 Double handle: C4ES4R The dark side: X1V4N2 Quick construction: GCHP7S Super fighting saber : BS828K Super speed reducers: B1D3W3 Heart regenerator: 2D7JNS Glow in the dark: 4GT3VQ Characters and Vehicles Codes: AAT: C9PRKP Aayla Secura: 2VG95B Aayla Secura: 2VG95B Adi Gallia: G2BFEN Admiral Ackbar (Classic): 272Y9Q Admiral Yularen: NG6PYX Ahsoka: 2VJ9TH Anakin Skywalker: F9VUYJ Anakin Skywalker (Geonosian Arena): 9AA4DW Anakin Jedi Fighting Star: RCTFLV Arc-170 Combat Star (rapid fire): ZY3AE2 Asajj Ventress: YG9DD7 AT-AP Walker: AA279H AT-RT: Z7H46T AT-TE: VBEZEZ Aurra Sing: M2V1JV Bail Organa: GEHX6C BARC Speeder: YMWV33 Barriss Offee: BTVTZ5 Combat droid : 5Y7MA4 Commander Fighter Droid: LSU4LJ Bib Fortuna: 9U4TF3 Bobba Fett (Classic): TY2BYJ Boil: Q5Q39P Bossk: 2KLW5R C-3PO: 574226 Cad Bane: NHME85 Captain Antilles (Classic): D8SNGJ Captain Rex: MW3QYH Captain Typho: GD6FX3 Chancellor Palpatine: 5C62YQ Chewbacca (Classic): 66UU3T Clone Pilot: HQ7BVD Dark Clone Soldier (Classic): 7GFNCQ Clone Soldier: NP5GTT Commander Bly: 7CB6NS Commander Cody: SMN259 Commander Fil: U25HFC Commander Ponds: JRPR2A Droid Commander: QEGU64 Commander Stone: 5XZQSV Count Dooku: EWR7WM Darth Maul: QH68AK Darth Maul (Classic): QH68AK Darth Sidius (Classic): QXY5XN Darth Vader (Classic): FM4JB7 Darth Vader battle damage (Classic): NMJFBL Droid destroyer: 9MUTS2 Dr Nuvo Vindi: MB9EMW Dwarf Spider Droid: NACMGG Echo: JB9E5S Eeth Koth: WUFDYA Gammorean Guard: WSFZZQ General Grievous: 7FNU4T Geonosian Guard: GAFZUD Geonosian Solar Sailor: PJ2U3R Geonosian Star of Combat: EDENEC Golden Super Battle Droid: 2C8NHP Gonk droid: C686PK Grand Moff Tarkin: NH2405 Greedo (Classic): FUW4C2 Hailfire droid : T7XF9Z Han Solo (Classic): KFDBXF Super Heavy Battle Droid: G65KJJ Soldier Clone Heavy Weapons: WXUTWY HELIOS 3D: 4AXTY4 Hevy: EUB8UG Hondo Hohnaka: 5A7XYX H-Type Nubian Yacht: 77QEJL Hyena Bomber: NPGG24 IG-86: EABPCP Imperial Guard (Classic): 5W6FGD Jango Fett: 5KZQ4D Jar Jar Binks: MESPTS Jedi Shuttle: HRX2UK Jek: AYREC9 Ki-Adi-Mundi: HGBCTQ Fitso Kit: PYWJ6N Fitso's Jedi Combat Star Kit: H68D3K Lando Calrissian (Classic): ERAEWE LEP Servent Droid: SM3Y9B Lieutenant Thire: 3NEUXC Lok Durd: TKCYUZ Luke Skywalker (Classic): PG73HF Luminara Uunduli: MKUYQ8 Lurman Villager: R35Y7N Luxury Droid: V4WMJN Mace Windu: 8NVRWJ Mace Windu: 8NVRWJ MagnaGuard: 2KEF2D Magnaguard Star of Combat: HJ5HHD Frigate Doctor (Torpedos): BET7CU MSE-6: S6GRNZ Nahdar Vebb: ZKXG43 Neimodian Shuttle: 6LT4QL Neimoidian: BJB94J Nute Gunray: QFYXMC Obi-Wan Kenobi: J9HNF9 Obi-Wan Kenobi (Classic): FFBU5M Obi-Wan Kenobi (Geonosian Arena): 5U9FJK Obi-Wan Jedi Fighting Star: 25FMVT OG-9 Spider Detective Droid: 7NEC36 Onaconda Farr: DB7ZQN Padme Amidala (Geonosian Arena): SZ824Q Padme Amildala: 8X87U6 Ruffian Pirate: BH2EHU Pirate Saucer (Missiles): Z567HR Pirate Tank Speeder: 3NQGYL Plo Koon: BUD4VU Plo Koon's Jedi Starfighter: L4LCDV Poggle The Lesser: 4592WM Princess Leia (Classic): 2D3D3L Probe Droid: U2T4SP Queen Neeyutnee: ZQRN85 Qui-Gon Jinn (Classic): LKHD3B R2-D2: RZ5HUV R3-S6: Z87PAU R4-P17: 5MXSYA R6-H5: 7PMC3C Rebel Command (Classic): PZMQNK Republic Attack Shuttle: BQCXWR Republic Cruiser (missiles and torpedoes): J3MFJZ Republic Dropship (Rapid Fire): J2JNDD Republic Gunship: C7M3DU Robonino: 2KLW5R RX-200 Tank: P8Z9M5 Rys: 4PTP53 Savage Opress: MELL07 Senate Command: EPBPLK Senate Command (Republic): S4Y7VW Senator Kharrus: EA4E9S Senator Philo: 9Q7YCT Shahan Alama: G4N7C2 Sionver Boll: 5C62YQ Slave I: KDDQVD The Heartless (Fast Fire): 7RL23G STAP: 59UU88 Starhawk Speeder Bike: 3RE9XV Stealth Ship (missiles and torpedoes): XPY46K Stormtrooper (Classic): HPE7PZ Super Battle Droid: MJKDV5 Super Tank: RYLVNW Tee Watt Kaa: FYVSHD The Halo (Fast Fire): MHG3XB The Twilight: T4K5L4 Trident Assault Craft (missiles and torpedoes): JSBLJS Turk False: HEBHW5 Tuscan Mugger (Classic): GC2XSA TX-20: PE7FGD Geonosian undead: QGENFD V-19 Torrent Starfighter: AKA9BB Vader Apprentice (Classic): EGQQ4V Vulture Droid: 7W7K7S Wag Too: VRUVSZ Wat Drum: ZP8XVH Waxer: BNJE79 Wedge Antilles (Classic): DRGLWS Whorm Loathsom: 4VVYQV Training Clone Soldier: MP9DRE Xanadu Blood: LQ2SVT Yoda: CSQTMB Y-Wing Starfighter: XTL6Y3 Use the online HTML beautifier tool to compose the content for your website easily.