Discover the different Functions in DOTA 2 to detonate the game!

The heroes in DOTA 2 are divided by their functions, which are defined by a combination of attributes, abilities, items and how this set will affect the game. While heroes' abilities can adapt to different situations, there are more appropriate roles for each of them and they define what is expected of each player during the game. Check out the different functions of the game.


The carry hero has a symbiotic relationship with his team. During the first phase of the game, you will be weakened and will need them to protect you. However, later on in the match, you are the one who will carry your team to victory . The carry is the opposite of support, usually using your primary attack to deal damage, making items and experience until you maximize your strength. This means that as the game progresses, your hero gets stronger and stronger. The extreme power of a carry hero can be explained because normally his passive abilities and attributes will escalate as you gain experience, especially his main attribute. Most carry have agility as their main attribute, which greatly increases their attack speed. There are three types of carry heroes, depending on how much farm you need to be effective in battle.
  • Semi-carry: they generally become independent early in the game, but gradually lose their power when compared to other types of carry heroes who manage to maintain a more stable farm advantage.
  • Hard-carry: few heroes are of that type. They are able to dominate later on in the match if they get the necessary items by then. They usually have excellent passive skills and some sort of escape mechanism. However, they need a lot of gold and will have to spend most of the game time farming rather than fighting.
  • Carry: these heroes are in the middle. Some are quite strong throughout the game, others specialize in gank or starting battles.
If you catch a carry hero, you will be running throughout the game, as your main concern is to get as strong as possible quickly . Practice will also teach you when to take risks, as dying will make you fall back on your goals. Don't forget that your team will rely on your ability to do most of the damage in the match.


The support hero plays a vital role in the team. He uses skills to heal allies and other useful spells to help the team. They do not need expensive items to increase their damage or attack speed. Therefore, they do not need to farm. The gold you collect will be used to buy items for your team and not for your individual use. The classic role of the support hero is to protect your team's carry on the safe lane. You have to help him farm, protecting him from enemies and creeps. Don't forget that he has to be able to deliver the final blow to enemies to win the items he is making. Therefore, your responsibility is limited only to keep you safe and to use spells that weaken or slow down the enemy . When your carry is strong enough to continue alone, you can join the rest of the team and the main battle. From now on, it is best not to be alone anymore, as you could be an easy target for enemy heroes who, meanwhile, have already been strong enough to kill you.


An initiator hero is the one who starts the battles between teams, providing that his own team has an advantage. Sometimes there are also battles that will start on their own, when the two teams meet unexpectedly, but that is not ideal. The most important moments of almost all matches are the battles between teams and the side that emerges victorious will gain a very big advantage over the opponents. A good initiator will grant an advantage to the team, starting the battle by stunning or causing damage to several members of the opposing team at the same time. They are thus able to transform a meeting that could end badly into a victory. As a rule, there are three different types of initiator heroes:
  • Heroes with the purpose of incapacitating the maximum number of enemies at once.
  • Heroes who deal damage in an area and inflict damage over time. You should try to keep your enemies within your range for as long as you can.
  • Heroes who can manipulate opponents' positions in battle.
Whatever your technique, make sure your team is in position to attack and that it hits as many enemies as possible.


The pusher hero's main function is to destroy enemy buildings such as towers and tents, creating connections to control the map. They also have the ability to farm creeps quickly. Destroying enemy towers early in the game will give your team a big advantage at the gold level and will also make the opposite team more difficult to farm. All pusher heroes have abilities that allow for the rapid destruction of towers.
  • Abilities that do direct damage to buildings.
  • Minions that damage a lane.
  • Skills that allow you to attack multiple enemy creeps at once.
  • Skills that heal or strengthen your creeps.
  • Abilities that decrease the attack of the towers.
The pusher is important in battle, as each destroyed tower will award 1000 gold to your team, which can make a big difference especially at the beginning of the game. In addition, by controlling the map and manipulating your lanes you will gain a strategic advantage over the opposing team.


A jungler hero manages to make neutral creeps on Jungle , thus leaving two lanes free for other heroes. Usually, the jungler has abilities that can convert neutral creeps, summon units or increase his own survival. In DOTA 2 , the fields at Jungle have different difficulties and the harder they are, the more gold and experience you can get . During the first part of the game, you must choose the small and medium fields. The difficult ones can start to be attacked from level 4 or 5 and the Ancient ones only from level 7.


These heroes have skills focused on crowd control . They are usually heroes who also provide support, accompanying the team's carry during the first phase of the match. The disabler tends to have little mobility, which can be overcome with items that increase the base movement. The disabler hero can also act as an initiator in small-scale ganking situations, where the number of heroes involved is relatively small.


Durable heroes, better known as tanks , are the characters with the most potential to mitigate damage suffered . They tend to have a lot of health, regeneration, armor and resistances. Generally, your skills are focused on mitigating damage, resistance or weakening enemies. Durable has, in most cases, the primary attribute of strength, as it gives life. If you catch a hero with this role, prepare to be in the center of the battle, absorbing the damage that would otherwise wipe out your team.


The nuker is a hero who manages to deal massive damage per second, thus giving his team an advantage. It is also very useful for eliminating enemy creeps effectively. Typically, these heroes use strong and quick spells on an enemy or multiple , even managing to kill an enemy before it can react. With a nuker, you can become semi-carry in some situations. However, don't forget that your skills will never scale enough to make a difference in the final stage of the game.


Escape heroes have access to one or more escape mechanisms, which allows their allies to avoid damage or to withdraw and reposition themselves during battle. The escape is particularly good when traveling the suicide lane alone , precisely because it is able to escape situations where death would be inevitable. Escape mechanisms of the escape hero include increased speed, invisibility, teleportation or evasion . Many carry heroes also have access to these mechanisms to improve their survival and not interrupt their farm. Article edited with the free HTML composer tool. Use this web content editor to make sure your markup is error-free.

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