Cheats of Age of empires 2 for PC

Here are a series of tips and tricks of Age of Empires 2 for PC and that will definitely make the game much easier. As always from Trucoteca we recommend that you try to play without using them to get the most out of the playable experience, although you may be very helpful in obtaining certain Achievements. Be as it is and as always ... you choose.

Age of Empires 2 tricks you won't be able to refuse

Press Enter to enter the chat, and enter the following codes to get the desired Age of Empires 2 trick. IR WINNER: Get the victory. FRAME: Full map. ROBIN HOOD: 1001 extra gold. BLACK DEATH: Destroy all enemies with this trick of Age of Empires 2. POLO: Remove the shadows. ROCK ON: Acquires 1,000 of stone. LUMBERJACK: You receive 1,000 wood. CHEESE STEAK JIMMY'S: You get 1000 in food. AEGIS: Build everything faster. NATURAL WONDERS: You control time. RESING: You lose. WIMPYWIMPYWIMPY: Trick of Age of Empires 2 with which you destroy yourself. I LOVE THE MONKEY HEAD: It gives you VDML. HOW DO YOU TURN THIS ON: You get a cobra car. TORPEDO #: Kill the opponent (#) TO SMITHEREERNS: Get a saboteur. FURIOUS THE MONKEY BOY: Create in the urban centers a killer monkey with a huge attack. WOOF WOOF: You get flying dogs. Never publish dirty HTML code and double check your content before publishing articles on the web!

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